Our values

Vinartus - Excellence


Whatever we do, we must strive to do our best in all areas of our work. Our desire for excellence comes from our belief that it results in satisfaction and pleasure.
This pleasure can be both simple and complex. The satisfaction that will be ours, and we hope will be yours. 

Vinartus - Sustainability


Our priority is to look after our planet for the generations to come. .
By addressing our product sourcing and logistics, we are committed to a development that respects both people and the environment.
Our ambition is to decrease carbon emissions at least by 10% per year and introduction of agroecology .
Our brand Think Green will be the expression of our philosophy

Vinartus - Education


It is essential, at all levels, to achieve our vision of excellence and to protect Mother Earth.
Working together as a team will lead us to success.

I never lose; either I win, or I learn (Nelson Mandela)
Where there is a will, there’s a way (Vladimir Lenin)
The world belongs to those who get up early (Jules Renard)
Vinartus - Sustainability


Our properties are all organically managed and any new purchases are converted to organic agriculture.

A transition  to biodynamic is being  carried out on certain properties to express even more the notion of terroir.


Our brands are all produced from sustainable agriculture based on the three pillars of sustainability :  financial , education and environmental . Without farmers or “paysan” , nobody will look after our countryside or “paysage”. Each year we will promote our actions and achievements.

Welcome to Vinartus

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